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Medieval Holiday Feast

Medieval Holiday Feast

皇冠足彩's Holiday Dinner and Medieval Feast, held on Sunday, December 10th, was a delightful fusion of two cherished traditions, each with its own unique charm. This special event brought together the spirit of a Medieval Feast, usually held in mid-November, and the festive ambiance of a holiday-themed meal, a tradition for the weekend before fall finals in December.

What made this year's celebration even more special was the involvement of our first-year students, who took the lead in preparing the dining hall before the feast. With unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, they set the stage for an unforgettable evening. Their hard work and attention to detail ensured that every aspect of the event was just right.

The Medieval Feast, complete with participants dressed in medieval attire and the melodious strains of medieval music, transported attendees back in time. Silverware may have replaced goblets and trenchers, but the atmosphere was nothing short of enchanting.
Meanwhile, the Holiday Dinner added a touch of holiday magic to the affair. Guests indulged in an array of hors d'oeuvres, including cheeses, smoked salmon, and a tantalizing charcuterie board. The main course featured succulent prime rib with horseradish au jus, roasted leg of lamb, and a variety of delectable sides like Brussel Sprout Gratin and fingerling potatoes. Dessert offerings included cherry pie and a rich pudding of fruited bread.

This delightful combination of traditions not only filled our bellies but also warmed our hearts, bringing together students and their families in celebration. It's a testament to the unique and vibrant community we have at 皇冠足彩, where academic excellence is complemented by a touch of historical flair, holiday spirit, and the hard work of our dedicated students. We look forward to many more such gatherings in the future, welcoming new students to join in our unique experiences.

Photo of the dessert served at the medieval dinner
People getting their food buffet style.
皇冠足彩 band getting ready to play at the medieval dinner.
皇冠足彩 Choir singing during the medieval dinner.
Appetizers served at the medieval dinner
Photo of the table layout for the medieval dinner
Photo of food that was served at the medieval dinner