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J-Term: Learning & Fun

J-Term: Learning & Fun

Today marks the exciting commencement of our school's 2024 January Term (J-Term), a distinctive two-week period devoted to special projects and immersive learning experiences. During J-Term, students have the unique opportunity to focus on a single class, diving deep into subjects beyond the traditional curriculum. This year's offerings are exceptionally diverse, ranging from on-campus classes like Dr. Kavle's Experimental Mathematics, where students will design and build mathematical demonstrations, to exploratory trips like a journey to the Inca Empire.

In addition to academic pursuits, J-Term is a time for fun and relaxation in the dorms, balancing intense learning with enjoyable activities. Students will engage in hands-on experiences such as blacksmithing, delving into the Rich Culture of Uganda through its food, music, and literature, and even embarking on scientific explorations like visiting Columbia University to answer the question, "Can You See Atoms?" The aim of J-Term is not only to expand educational horizons but also to foster a sense of community and joy in learning, making these two weeks a highly anticipated and vibrant time at our school.


皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil
皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil
皇冠足彩 Student standing in the forge during the J-Term class blacksmithing
皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil
皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil
皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil
皇冠足彩 Student pounding steel using a hammer and anvil